
About me!

I am a Geek... well i was, no...  i still am - but only on the quiet when people don't realise!  I have over 20 years in IT technology from humble beginnings in support, through to a server analyst, on to a solutions architect, senior consultant and now as a client services director for an IT services company.

Not the path I planned when it began way back when...   but lifes like that, isn't it.   Who knows what's gonna happen next???

My life these days involves running a team of highly technical, focused individuals who help me support a portfolio of clients with their technology demands to make sure their business does what it needs to - earn them money, grab opportunities when they arise and grow year on year without forever hitting brick walls with capacity, performance, resilliency or data protection.

Now, I have a mindset that I do what I do because i enjoy it - why else turn up day after day, week after week if what you do doesn't keep you interested and allow your talents to shine?  That mindset sometimes means long hours, nights away, long drives and time away from the family - but I don't give in..   I don't miss.  I have a target to achieve and I achieve it, no matter what work/hours/learning/help it takes to achieve...  i don't miss.   Not to say mistakes don't happen on occasion - I am human after all, but those times when mistakes do happen drive me to improve the process/procedure/technology etc to ensure it isn't repeated - learn and grow from those times and you can't go wrong.

So there you go... the most honest, open thing I have made public about my inner most thoughts for years..   and I choose to put it out there for the world to comment on!  



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